Black and white to color what's the difference?

conducta todo o nada, blanco o negro Revista NUVE

Black and white to color what's the difference?
Since the creation of mankind; man has shown himself to be a rational individual by nature thus showing characteristics of a fictitious supremacy; now you will wonder supremacy to what ? to be a predator par excellence as well ? is that the reason for their existence? is the ego above the right and the right ? for that anxious behavior of always seeking a frustrated interest when that supremacy is the product of ungodly behavior ; what is more worth eating first or second, then? for some being first nurtures their aptitude of professional egolatras; but where is the reason of being human in humanity; when it has despite that George Washington; to achieve independence I did not differ in race or color , he was only interested that in his bowels the desire for freedom was present; what is the United States of America becoming? when Abraham Lincoln realized the Emancipation Proclamation or Proclamation 95 it was a presidential proclamation and a executive order issued by the President  the one of 1  January 1863, seeking equality 

That this is happening with all this conflict an official as usual abuse of the rule and power to murder a human being, that matters color, the really important thing is that this official misused his investiture to murder a human being, that is the important reason for the fact.
When people commit similar acts of violence they are becoming that same official who not clinging to the norm and is called a murderer without cause condemnatory, and punishable act .
do I ask the world ? who prefer to be those who unite humanity or those who divide it as that individual who dressed in uniform bluntly the functioning of every civil servant useful to his homeland ? in you is the answer

Rosa Isela Bastidas Camacho

Coffee, milk, and sugar, a joyful taste without prejudice to xenophobia or racism that cross borders.
Since Biblical times the human being has been filled with prejudice, if we resume history according to this interpretation, the Bible would indicate that there are three human races, coming from the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth. From Shem the Jews and the Arabs, from Ham the blacks, and from Japheth the Whites. This biblical vision of humanity divided into races was complemented by the so-called Curse of Canaan, son of Ham, whom Noah condemned: "Cursed be Canaan, servant of servants shall be his brethren "(Cassiodorus De Reina; Cyprian de Valera (1909). «Gene. 9:18-29». Bible version Queen-Valera(Wikisource).). The racist interpretation of the Bible, held that the Curse of Canaan was a curse of God to the "black race", by which it was condemned to serve the Whites.
This interpretation was widely disseminated, and even taught to young Africans by colonial authorities and Catholic and Protestant missionaries, through Belgian school books during the first half of the twentieth century. Being so to the way of interpretation actually if there was a punishment but it was of a behavioral nature and there is the problem of describing what daily afflicts the societies that each interprets according to their interests, and that is why if God Is Love and shows himself giving in his image and likeness giving his son to the ; and the law of sacrifice applies and if we practice loving each other; we can not trigger a wave of feelings of hatred; dividing societies; if we have coffee an agricultural item of great taste internationally, that is Colombia; Venezuela ; or Spain, and even of Any part of the world is accepted, we have the Sugar that sweetens the palate, it is accepted, and we have the milk that feeds and sustains the energy balance of the human being and these products mixed make without discrimination excellent sense and delight aromatic to any human being without distinction of color or race ; then I say where it goes, the ignorance and the complexity of the behavior of the human being that, despite the characters bureaucratic manifests itself by establishing plots of colonization ; mistreating innocent beings creating at the expense of borders of inequality; generating hatreds and behaviors that continue to exist since medieval times, it seems for a moment in history that one advances with a mental setback ; it is as if the masterful brain essence does not finish unlocking the storage of information and thus transmitting it. I have been a witness of the xenofia ideological this is real I live in Venezuela and what I will tell you is to not repeat by differences and antagonism ideological side of political sector began to burn human beings as resentment and punishment for positions and ideological differences ; and this is a truth of today; and it is that must not and can not exist so much hate in a human being to reach these extremes of distortion social designed only for the interest individualistic; we can build a society without prejudice and integrates values, while respecting the free will; and it is that the human being seeks every excuse to justify what he himself believes is well done and it turns out that they are indoctrinations of behaviors that generate divisionisms that shape that behind all this what this is an individual interest and is not exactly the maximum happiness of society ; and I reiterate why the human being must free himself and behave like coffee milk and sugar coffee does not ask sugar where it is from; and milk does not ask coffee and sugar if they can mix and together they form a delight in the palate so we must be before this society of challenges we must remove that dark nine that puts complexes of differences and that the story itself has told so many deaths we must behave as rational beings as beings of love overcoming and eliminating walls of antagonisms; the planet ; maintaining the values and is that well said a writer who for the time was a great Spanish reformist The Master Gaspar Melchor De Jovellanos in the years 1786 when asked without women could also form economic societies and he wisely gave answer : "Does the woman the lady is a different being in this society ; “the woman has the same rights that any human being existing and you can go and discuss in the same terms and to integrate any society that provided” If for that time a man of this level and high-scale character of formation understood that the prejudices are the delayed of any society; today, with more reason we should be civil-respect and moral conduct which does not mean to denigrate or offend the think different; or trend or breed cannot be different in a society that breathes a desire for unity equality without differences ; a society that integrates the structuralist character of emerging without divisions. And that is where the lights of formation arise if the human being is formed with the due process of broad mind without; indoctrination; liberals, but not excess of debauchery; let everyone learn the character of being different and thus respect it but not exclusive. We must learn and understand that society is diverse from creation and thus must be respected; let us eliminate prejudices; let us maintain systems of cooperation let us be more humanity; let us be more integration; let us be more constitutional; let us be more liberators; let us be liberators and not whip for the fact that we are different; let us accept ourselves as we are simply create a society like coffee milk and sugar together are the taste and taste that delights without differences.


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